Self Esteem and Confidence - You CAN Have it All
Why we have low self esteem and confidence and how to increase them for a full and happy life
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Nobody is born with low self esteem and confidence. To put it bluntly, things happen to us that make us who and how we are. Negative things in life impact both our confidence and self esteem in a negative way, and pursuing and actively doing positive things can increase them. This course talks about how it all happens, and how to reach your full potential and understanding that everything can be improved. There is always a way.
Your Instructor
Krinka Paukner has been a student of life and confidence her whole life. Having been through many hardships herself and spending most of her life lost and confused, moving from one country to another, and even crossing continents, she loves nothing better than to help people find their way in life and have them smiling and happy because they're finally living the life they were always meant to live. She found her way and is exactly where she is meant to be. Now it is your turn. Do you take this challenge?